
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dealing with the Roller coaster of Infertility

Hello my sweet sisters,

Infertility is a roller coaster, and not a fun-put your hands up-enjoy the ride type of roller coaster, it is a painful process that no one should ever have to deal with. The lows we deal with (and I mean LOWS) can range from negative pregnancy tests, to miscarriages, to friends announcing their pregnancies, to complicated surgeries and more. There there's the high, maybe it's as as simple as a day where our hearts seems to ache a little less, perhaps it's a day that we can focus on something other than motherhood for a change, or that one instant that makes all of this worth it, the time we finally get to be parents.  Sadly, this journey is full of far more lows than highs so how do we not let this incessant roller coaster turn us into the mistresses of mood swings? Well, first of all we need to take time out of each day to pray. Pray for peace of mind, pray for our husbands, pray for our families, just pray(and don't forget to thank God for the blessings that are right in front of you). Next, we need to develop a hobby(yes we, I am including myself because Lord knows I need to get my mind of baby-making), maybe it's making a scrap book or training for a race. Second, get off the couch!!! This could be meeting some friends for lunch, going shopping, getting coffee, anything that gets you out of your own head for a little while. Get out of the house and let yourself be you, not the mistress of mood swings or the baby-making machine, the real you that's in there somewhere, even if it's just for an hour. Next, take some time to be a wife. This one is so important!!!! We need to romance our husbands, take them on a date, buy some sexy lingerie, let him choose a movie, etc. Show that man the woman that he married is still in there. Overall, do not let this journey define you. Yes we deal with infertility, but that does not define who we are!!! We are smart, funny, kind, beautiful, individuals and we need to remind the world that we are not just the "infertile myrtles". Keep your heads up girls, the best is yet to come!!

 Praying for you always!!!
"I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait" 
(John Walker, "While I'm waiting " From the movie Fireproof(strongly recommend you guys check it out)) 
P.S. Comment below with 5 things you LOVE about yourself!! Let's remind ourselves that we are many things aside from being "infertile'

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